Monday, June 5, 2017

Ending up the scholar year

As it is becoming a tradition we ended up our rides climbing up to el Cogulló, one of the highest hills between l'Anoia and el Bages. It took long to get to the summit but it paid off. Such  stunning views from up there!
The summary of the day is; 50 km and almost 1000 meters of elevation gain...NOT BAD AT ALL!!

Enjoy your summertime and keep in shape! we have new challenges waiting for us in september!!!

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new track through Tous to Jorba

We spent a good time and ride discovering new single tracks and crossing creeks in the best weather, well, actually, just a few of us rode through those woods for the first time because Navas brothers were in charge of the route and for the record, they did it great!
I would like to highlight  in what a good shape our rookie Iker is, he could make it ( almost 35 km) with no moaning.
Congrats Kid!!
here you have the pics of the day and the track.!

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