Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Last rides of the year!

We bid farewell to the 2016 year with some rides all around the county. We rode up to la Tossa, the Mills, and some other stunning single tracks that Navas showed us. We are glad to tell you that we have a new rider with us; Alejandro Pérez, who in his first ride couldn't believe all the beauty environment there is around Montbui.
The most exciting day was when we did our first night ride, we all have new lights for our bikes, and it was awesome to see the group pedalling all along the path in the dark, we looked like a lightning bug!!

 Hope you all have a happy new year!

                                        we met some new friends in our way back!
                                                        Enjoying the views
                                                             Testing the lights

                                                                Ready to go!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

New scholar year, let's ride again!

We are back to school again, and we couldn't miss the opportunity to gather the crew and go riding!
We have two new kids riding with us so far, but we are expecting, at least, one more.
Let me introduce them to you:

Iker, he is the youngest one, being just 12 years old, he 's very capable to follow the team everywhere!

David. He is studying third of ESO, he is getting in shape fast! he claimed he loved riding because it gives him the chance to discover new trails and part of the county he did not know.

Welcome both of you!!

Here you have some pics of the first days:

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Binge riding

We really had a binge riding last Monday. Just a few of us gathered to ride for the last time this scholar year, that's because the Piñero brothers couldn't joint us due the bunch of exams and academic works to do they had this week, such a shame!
In exchange the other PE teacher, Magí, and Ruben, the older brother of the twins came to ride with us.
We started earlier than usual because we wanted to ride longer than ever, but it got out of control!!
Our plan was to ride to the Mills and once there head to Castellfollit del Boix using flat paths, the point is that everyone felt so strong that we rode down a slope to move uphill again to make it to the summit of the Cogulló. Cogulló is a mountain placed in Bages county ( I would say that it is the border between Bages and Anoia) with a stunning balcony that looks out to Montserrat and most of the Central Catalunya.

To sum up, we rode for 4 hours to ride 50 km and a height gain of 1200 meters.

Hoping to see you all on September boys! It's been a great year, but we have so many new paths to discover!

Here you have the pics of the day with all the braves who did it, and also the track!
 At the top of the mills
    Visiting an interesting place
 Navas at the taking off place for paragliding
  Navas at the taking off place for paragliding
 At the summit of Cogulló with the central Catalunya behind
 The Balcony 
The kids posing with the Magic Mountain of Montserrat

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Monday, March 21, 2016

Long trip to the mills

It was the last ride of the trimester and we decided to ride longer than our regular trips. We went to the mills, it's a wind farm placed at the top of a mountain rage close to Igualada. The trip to the summit was easy for those who have been riding regularly with the team, I can't say the same about some others!
I also have to highlight the presence of Ruben, the twin's older brother, who wanted to joint us and also help some of the kids to ride up some slopes.
We took advantage of him to learn some exciting single tracks near the wind farm and he also gave us some good advices to improve our descend skills.

If you want to learn more, check out the pics below!

Nice views

                                                                the twin brothers

                                                    The first group, they are in good shape!

Our team and Ruben

                                                           these mills are huge!
                                                                     Checking out

All the team but Josep

                                                                The wind farm

                                                              Ruben talking with his brother

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First race

Two of the kids of our team carried out their first race in Sant Joan de Vilatorrada. I have to emphasize that even though they were the youngest riders they did it pretty good, and they could finish in good positions.
The race was so technical that we all had to do our best, plus, the day before the race it rained all day long, so you can make your own picture of how muddy the tracks were!

Here you have some pics of the kids and teacher enjoying the provisioning stop.

Here you have the track

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The Wall

                                 Here you have the video we recorded playing on the wall.

All in single tracks

As you have seen in the posts before, we have got a twin brothers in our group, and let me tell you that they have an older brother who is a semi-pro bike rider and also a former student of our high school. Our twins were told to learn some new paths from his brother and lead us today, and they did it really good. They lead us without using the GPS, all by heart! and it had to be hard to remember because it was all through single tracks.
We enjoyed the ride and we also could enjoy the views from a natural balcony at the summit of a hill close to la Tosa.
Here you have some of the pics of the day!
                                          At the top of the hill

                                          All together
Notice they are all using our team bike suits
Riding next to the fields

Monday, February 15, 2016

Back to rides

After Christmas holidays we got back to our rides, we all were starving to ride again, and we really had fun riding a new track, a mix of gentle ways and hard single tracks. though we were not in our best shapes, we did it without problems, and we also had the chance to witness the improvements of on of the kids, for the first time, he rode down a steep he didn't have guts enough to rode before. Once he finished, all the students gave him a big round of applause what made him feel so proud of himself! Here you've got some of the pics of the day.

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